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Who was San Vicente Ferrer?

Having just celebrated the Easter holidays, Valencia is already preparing its next celebration – this time a local one in honor of Valencia’s patron saint, San Vicent Ferrer!


This year the «Día de San Vicente Ferrer» takes place on Monday 17th April, which means that many businesses, including Euroace, will be closed. Despite it being an annual public holiday, even locals don’t know much about the origin of this celebration and the events taking place in the city!

So, what is this holiday all about?



San Vicent Ferrer was a philosopher and a Dominican preacher, who became renowned as “Sant Vicent el del ditet” for his ability to make miracles happen with his index finger!

He dedicated his life to travelling all over Spain and other European cities, spreading his thoughts on religion and performing “miraculous acts” everywhere he went.

The celebration mainly consists of representations of his life and the miracles attributed to him, which are staged by children and are always held in «valenciano» (the Valencian language). So, if you wish to have an authentic local experience, this is the perfect chance!

These small plays about his life are performed on “altars” which are stages set up in the main squares in the city. There are numerous “altars” across the city, assembled with images and figures of the Saint, which are known as la “Pujà del Sant” – in English, “To lift the Saint up”.

In honour of his life, a public holiday is celebrated annually in Valencia to remember the patron saint; San Vicente Ferrer.


Main events – 2023

This weekend you’ll definitely want to head to the city center, as a wide range of events are taking place to commemorate our patron saint. Read on to find out the main ones you won’t want to miss!

On Saturday you will already be able to see some of the mentioned “Altars” in la “Plaza de la Virgen”. It’s unique to see!

Another must to do is to go to the Valencia Catheral at 19:30h on Sunday 16th April, to hear the manual ringing of bells.


Monday 17th April, San Vicent Ferrer’s day, comes with a wide variety of activities, including:

  • Throughout the day you will hear the manual ringing of bells from the Cathedral at specific times: 9:15h, 12:00h, 18:00h, 19:00h and 21:00h. Make sure you’re around there to hear it for yourself!
  • As you have probably noticed, Valencia loves to include flower offerings in all their festivities. There’s also a flowers offering to our patron saint which will depart from the City Hall at 12:00h! If you like these kind of events, make sure you don’t miss it!
  • If you didn’t have enough with the “Mascletàs” during the Fallas festival, there’s now a special one to commemorate the festivity, which will take place this time in “Plaza de Tetuán” at 14:30h.
  • At 19:00h there’s a Procession starting from the Valencia Cathedral, if you want to join!


And this is not all. Have you heard of the traditional local dance called “La Dansà”? On Saturday 22nd April you will be able to enjoy la “Dansà del Mocadoret” at 23:00h. It will departure from la “Plaza Lope de Vega” to “La Lonja”, and the dance will take place here!

Perhaps this celebration is not as well-known as others, but the fact that it is in honor of the patron saint of the city makes it a special celebration for Valencian people!


A reminder that Euroace will be closed on Monday 17th April.

For more news on Valencia, latest regional updates, and upcoming events and celebrations in the city, be sure to stay tuned through our Facebook and Instagram pages!

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