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Internship Locations

Choosing your location 

This part isn’t always easy. We recommend you make your choice based on your WHY. That is, why are you traveling to Spain in the first place? 
If the answer is your Internship, then make it your main focus. If your answer is to learn Spanish alongside an Internship, then Valencia is a great choice because this is where our EUROACE Language School is located. 
Remember, there will always be time for traveling once you’ve secured your dream program. So, make it your priority to choose the best experience for you- on an academic, professional and personal level.
Taking an Internship in Spain is guaranteed to be a life-changing experience, both professionally and personally! Our three prime locations in Spain are all equally fantastic and worth the experience, here’s some more info on each one. 


Valencia is Spain’s third largest city located on the stunning Mediterranean coast. It is home to long sandy beaches, a vibrant city, abundant cafés, even more palm trees, and a large international community. Not to mention year-round sunny weather and unique attractions like the charming Old Town and the City of Arts and Sciences.


If you’re looking for a smaller, less touristic kind of destination, still full of Spanish charm, Valencia is a great choice. What’s more, our headquarters and EUROACE Spanish school are located in the center of the city – so combining Spanish classes with your Internship is possible in Valencia.


Madrid is the capital, located in the center of the country, and the most populated city in Spain. It’s home to famous art museums, expansive boulevards, and beautiful architecture. There’s so much to see, do, visit and eat!


Madrid is a fun and exciting European city that is great for young people looking for good nightlife, a cosmopolitan location, and a place they can truly find out about Spanish culture and history. Online Spanish classes can be taken with us from Madrid. 


Barcelona is located in the north east of Spain in the region of Catalonia. It is probably Spain’s most popular city notably because of the Sagrada Familia church, the Gaudi designed landmarks, the Ramblas and of course, Barcelona football club.


Exploring Barcelona’s gothic quarter takes you into the heart of European culture and a glimpse of Spain’s history. It’s busy, fun, has that beach vibe and is full of activities and adventures waiting to be had. Online Spanish classes can be taken with us from Barcelona. 

Valencia: Business Overview

Valencia’s coastal location, favorable climate, and quality of life makes it a city of international interest with significant economic growth potential. Over the last decade Valencia has demonstrated increased productivity and better competitiveness abroad, especially in its primary sector; the tertiary (service) sector.

Valencia’s business scene also sees commercial activity, hospitality, transport, and tourism playing key roles. There is a great agricultural and industrial tradition too, of which the main representatives are ceramics, chemistry, metallurgy and the automobile industry. SMEs make up the majority of companies in the city although the likes of Mercadona and Ford are prominent across the city.

Valencia’s logistics network provides a high degree of national and international accessibility thanks to the Port of Valencia, a key point of commerce on the Mediterranean ranking Valencia as the third Spanish region in terms of volume of exports abroad. What’s more, the existing entrepreneurial culture coupled with advanced levels of training are seeing more and more technological and global enterprises being established in Valencia. For more details on Internship Placements in Valencia click here. 

Madrid: Business Overview

Being the capital city, Madrid hosts the most companies in Spain, with an annual turnover of over 700 billion euros. It is the number one choice for headquarters by major enterprises, especially in banking and commerce, and it’s impact is clear in the numbers; with Madrid comprising 35% of financial intermediation enterprises nationwide and 29% of all communications companies.

Madrid’s business scene is largely made up of commercial and autonomous companies, with construction (25%), transport (23%), commerce (19%), and business services (15%) being the main sectors of impact in the local economy.

In terms of R&D, Madrid has a strong system that favors creative employment and scientific research, placing Madrid’s economy 37% above the European innovation average. For more details on Internship Placements in Madrid click here.

Barcelona: Business Overview

The metropolitan area of Barcelona comprises roughly 100,000 commercial companies generating almost 300 billion euros combined. Barcelona has a relatively young business scene, with 82% of the companies having been founded in the last 25 years. This highlights the importance of business development and the rate of entrepreneurship (6.42%) in the region.

The sectors of greatest importance in Barcelona are the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, providing 7.3% of total revenue, the automobile sector with Seat Volkswagen Motor located in the south of Barcelona accounting for 6% of turnover, and the energy industry and agrifood sector also making up 6% each. 

Yet the most important sector in Barcelona, like the rest of Spain, is tourism. More than 11 million people visit the city annually and in 2019 it was voted the second most popular touristic city worldwide! Closely linked to tourism, Barcelona’s trade has grown over recent decades into a strong and strategic sector. For more details on Internship Placements in Barcelona click here.

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