5 Body Part Idioms in Spanish
The Spanish language is rich with expressions and sayings that cannot be translated literally into English (unfortunately!) A lot of them involve the human body and may sound strange but at the same time funny to you. If you want to speak like a native then understanding the idioms is essential.
We picked out five of them that you should definitely learn:
1. Estar hasta las narices
English (literal): To be up to the noses.
Meaning: To be fed up.
Estoy hasta los narices de ti. = I am fed up with you.
2. Poner los ojos en blanco
English (literal): To put one’s eyes in white.
Meaning: To roll one’s eyes.
Al poner los ojos en blanco como acabas de hacer, eso era una respuesta. = That little eye roll thing you just did, that was the answer.
3. Hacerse la boca agua
English (literal): To make the mouth water
Meaning: To make one’s mouth water.
Unos postres para que se te haga la boca agua. = Some mouth watering desserts.
4 Levantarse con mal pie
English (literal): To wake up with a bad foot.
Meaning: To wake up on the wrong side of the bed/ get off to a bad start.
Parece que empezamos con mal pie. = It seems we got off to a bad start.
5. Hablar por los codos
English (literal): To speak from the elbows.
Meaning: To talk a lot/ talk up a storm.
Juan habla por los codos. = Juan is talking up a storm.
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