4 Great ways to keep healthy this Summer!
Summer in Valencia is synonymous with sun, sea, and an abundance of outdoor activities. Even during the colder months, there is always a lot going on in the city and there is every opportunity to get moving and be physical. Whether
Online Sports Internship Q&A
Finding an opportunity online in the sports field is not easy. Many sports internships require in-person hours to be completed, and so our 100% online programs are unique in that sense. We asked our international student, Mikha, for her feedback
Student Interview: Online Internships
After a very different spring and summer for all of us, one of our main concerns was not letting our students down. We understood the difficulties of making study abroad a possibility right from the beginning. That's why we worked hard to transfer
Water Sports in Valencia
Are you tired of the cold? Do you need a change in your life? Do you feel the need to enjoy the sea advantages? Your place is Valencia!! Valencia as a coastal city has a direct and quick access to the beach