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Let’s be honest: it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to appreciate the little things. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to hit the pause button and reflect on the good stuff. It´s a time to

If visiting museums is your thing and you're always looking for the next exhibition or display, then this blog is the one for you.  This weekend is the perfect time to get yourself out there and learn about all the

Summer is closely approaching and we already know how much you're looking forward to the long summer nights, beach days and all of the great trips and activities that will be surrounding the city. Do you already have plans this

Today our blog is a bit different as we aim to learn about our students experiences in Spain and the challenges or differences they may  have observed since moving to a new country (in this case, Valencia).   Euroace welcomes a range

Valencia, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful beaches, is an amazing place to live and study. Valencia has a lot to offer, and do you know the best part? Valencia has so many places that you can reach