Why 2025 is the perfect time to take a Gap Year
While some people may still view a gap year as simply hitting pause on traditional education or work, nowadays it's evolved into something much more profound. It can be about purposeful growth, immersing yourself in new experiences, and cultivating skills
Why a EUROACE Gap year is what you need this Summer!
It's not very often that people have a clear path of what they'll do after graduating or completing their studies. It's very easy to enter a mode of panic whilst trying to plan your future and even the pressure from
Why an EUROACE Internship is what you need this Summer!
We are sure that almost all of you are starting to plan your Summer holidays as they are closely approaching.. which will include a lot of trips, days on the beach and celebrations with friends and family.. like almost every
How to plan your summer at EUROACE!
Summer is closely approaching and we already know how much you're looking forward to the long summer nights, beach days and all of the great trips and activities that will be surrounding the city. Do you already have plans this
Why a EUROACE Gap year is what you need this Summer!
It's not very often that people have a clear path of what they'll do after graduating or completing their studies. It's very easy to enter a mode of panic whilst trying to plan your future and even the pressure from
Thinking of a Gap Year in 2024?
Are you already considering doing a Gap Year in 2024? There’s so much to explore and so much to learn from taking a gap year before university, during, or even if you’re contemplating your next career move. It’s a chance