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Programas de Fútbol

Tanto si eres un jugador que busca mejorar su juego en España, como si eres un entrenador que quiere aprender más sobre el modelo de entrenamiento español o incluso si eres alguien interesado en la parte administrativa y económica del deporte. – Nuestros programas de fútbol ofrecen experiencias únicas para todos.
Soccer Programs

Programas de Fútbol en España

Nuestros programas de fútbol te facilitan una variedad de oportunidades que te acercarán al mundo del fútbol español.
En EUROACE colaboramos con clubes de fútbol locales en el área metropolitana de Valencia y alrededores, así como con organizaciones deportivas locales que trabajan con equipos de fútbol. Sin mencionar que nos asociamos con clubes profesionales de La Liga para ofrecer oportunidades de élite para jugadores jóvenes, entrenadores y estudiantes.
Puedes consultar más detalles sobre todas las opciones relacionadas con el fútbol de las que disponemos, en Programas de Fútbol.

Soccer & Spanish

I was part of the player program and I also took Spanish classes 3 times per week. This really helped me to get more confidence speaking Spanish and understand my coaches more. I feel like the combination of classes and training meant that I could improve more as a player as I improved my Spanish".

Sang Min, Korea

Player and student

Coaching program

"All the staff were very supportive and friendly. It was a unique experience! The players were very top level and it was great to get involved with them and observe the coaching staff and their training sessions. The most memorable part of my stay was being able to participate in the sessions with the 5 year olds working on their psychomotor development and technical skills. I learnt a lot about methodology during the program and will be able to transfer my knowledge to our academy in Japan. "

Shota, Japan


Elite player program

"I have improved my touch and technical ability a lot. I think i've also become a smarter player as a result of learning a new style of play and also training with older players. My advice would be to put in as much effort as possible. All the tools to succeed are available here but it's like everything else in that you get out what you put in. "

Kevin, USA


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