Q&A with EUROACE’S Fallera
Today our blog is a bit different as we dive into the world of Fallas, which officially started its celebrations today with the first mascletà in the town hall.
We had the chance to talk to our class coordinator and Spanish teacher, Lidia, who also happens to be a Fallera! We’ve asked Lidia a bunch of questions about her experience as a Fallera, what she loves and dislikes about it and most importantly what this beautiful festival means to her and her family. Keep reading for more!
Hi Lidia! First of all, I wanted to say thank you for doing this interview and for sharing with us all of your thoughts and recommendations for Las Fallas. Lets get started!
So Lidia, why are you a Fallera and how long have you been one?
I actually don’t know the reason, but I’ve been a Fallera since I was born! (I wasn’t expecting this answer at all). The reason I’m a Fallera is that my dad knew someone from one of the Falla communities and they basically invited me into join, its been like that ever since!
Wow, thats a cool way to explain your history as a Fallera. So what can you tell us about the day to day life of a Fallera? this being during Fallas of course..
Well, I wake up, then I go to my Falla and we usually have Almuerzo ( this is a type of meal that valencianos normally eat at around 12, to make sure they last until lunchtime) and it depends on your roles and responsibilities as some falleros/as have to walk around the streets and greet people which is known as a «pasacalle». Then we usually have lunch with everyone next our tents which each falla community puts up during the festival.
Afterwards, I won’t lie to you, we definitely probably have some coffee and a siesta, if we are lucky, and then we start preparing the big dinner for the night and the events that follow. La Ofrenda is also very important so sometimes we will be preparing for that which is on the 17th and 18th of March.
So there really is a lot to do each day! Wow! What would you say the best thing about being a Fallera is and why?
I think, definitely being able to carry on the culture of the city of Valencia and of course, being part of something bigger than yourself, I mean like being part of a group that helps you form a community. Yeah, I don’t know, I love being part of the group and the best part is that everyone is the same there, it doesn’t matter what your job is or what you study, we are all equals. I also love the culture and the traditions and its a good way to keep our language (valenciano) alive and in use!
That’s so nice to hear, I also love that you’re all able to speak your native language and feel comfortable amongst each other. Now for a shock question, what would you say the worst part is?
It goes without saying that I definitely don’t like the lack of sleep that we all get, I’m sure my neighbors would agree with that too. But I also don’t like how people have some how turned Fallas into a big music festival, that’s a part I really don’t like. I absolutely love Fallas during the day where everyone can spend time together, celebrate their culture and enjoy peacefully and carefully.
The worst part is that as Fallas has become more popular, people start damaging the city with all of the parties and they don’t treat the city with respect.
I can understand that, the busier it gets the worse people look after things, right?
Yes, exactly. I loved Fallas the year after the COIVD-19 pandemic because there was a regulation that said we could only be on the streets until 1am. All of us were so rested for the big events such as the pasacalles and La Ofrenda and everyone looked nice and well rested, nowadays we all look so sleepy and we have bags under our eyes, but its all part of the fun! We really enjoy whatever we do.
It’s crazy to think about COVID and how it affected all of the big events, but the part about a good amount of sleep definitely sounds nice. Talking about looking nice, do you like the process of becoming a Fallera, the hair, the dress etc?
Now this definitely depends on how I’m feeling on each day but the dress for example, that can weigh up to 10 kilos so its sometimes a lot of work. Another thing is that its really hard to sleep with the Fallera hairstyle, it can be a bit uncomfortable.
No way! I thought you had your hair done every day, I didn’t know you slept with the hairstyle!
Yeah, again it depends. The thing is is that its very tiresome to do the same hairstyle each day. When I was little I would just get it done on the 15th of March and then take it out on the 19th but now I just sleep with the hair on for a night or two, I really don’t mind.
Do all of your family celebrate Fallas?
My close family do, yes. My parents, my sister, my aunt. My uncle actually doesn’t but generally everyone around me knows someone who is a fallero/a or they celebrate it in some way. I also have family members who are artistas falleros, (the people who build and create the sculptures on display during the festival). They work all year round, every single day and it is more than just building the sculptures. They also have to think about the story behind each Falla and what it represents, some talk about politics, the environment, social issues etc.
So really Fallas is something that is created all year round, I really didn’t know that, it’s so interesting! What makes Fallas so unique in your opinion?
I think what I said before about the importance and the recognition of our culture. I mean yes if you focus on the party aspect and the celebrations then that is also really fun but I love the fact that this festival has such a rich history behind it. I think that everyone should learn about the history and our culture before they see everything in person, it really makes it so much more interesting and powerful.
I completely agree with you. Thank you so much for telling us all about your Fallas experience Lidia, I hope you have a great one this year! Enjoy!
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