2021: ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
. In Spain and across the world the change of the year is always a cause for celebration. Fireworks, parties, special performances and traditions play a huge part in new year celebrations. This year we won't see the typical fireworks displays
Keeping up with your Spanish over the Holidays
. The winter break is a time of relaxation after a long year and also a chance to catch up with friends and family while enjoying holiday traditions. Most often it feels like the holidays fly by and before you know
Q&A with Online Internship Supervisors
. As our online internships have been a popular learning and career tool this year, we thought it would be a great idea to interview some of the companies who have taken on internsational interns. For some of them, it was
Did You Know These Spanish Holiday Traditions?
. The holidays will look a little different this year with Covid regulations limiting our social events and traditions. There's a 10 person limit on Christmas and New Year celebrations, travel restrictions are in place across Spain and the nighttime curfew
Q&A with Our EUROACE Director
Isabel has been heading the EUROACE team for almost two decades and has plenty of experience when it comes to international education. Thats why we thought it would be interesting to get her thoughts on how study abroad has been
5 Things We Love About Wintertime in Valencia
.If you haven't had the chance to fall in love with Valencia during the wintertime, you're about to in a minute
Student Interview: Online Internship
Due to many students opting for online internships this year, we took the chance to interview our student Gabi who connected to her Spanish based position from the U.S. She completed an online placement for 10 weeks and here you