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Student Blog: Why You Should Intern at a Startup

By definition an intern is someone who works voluntarily to gain experience in a particular field or to fulfil a requirement for a qualification. For me, I chose to find an internship so I could gain practical marketing experience. I’ve just finished up my Erasmus here in Valencia and I’ve had an amazing time travelling, learning the language and meeting new people and with Euroace I was able to find an internship with flexible hours to work around my university timetable. I spent 3 months in a virtual reality startup as a marketing intern.

What are the benefits of working in a startup?

Learning how a company works.

Working in a large organization may mean you’re limited to the department you have been assigned to. Startups are generally smaller and have less staff, meaning you can see how all departments function and try out different roles if you like. I was a marketing intern but I got to see the workings of the designers and management too.

Hands-on experience.

The teams are smaller and tend to work on one project at a time so you’ll get to see how your work affects the business in real time, helping out with current projects and researching current business trends. I really felt that my opinion was valued and I learnt a lot about the day to day work of a startup.

Fast feedback.

With less projects and a smaller, tight knit team you’ll get feedback on your work and projects quickly and it will be genuinely beneficial as your work is important and affects the company. I had feedback sessions every week or so, after I completed a project. 

It’s fun!

I was lucky to be doing interesting market research about trends in virtual and augmented reality, what other companies are excelling in and about sustainability at organizational level and beyond. I also got the chance to play VR games and table football – where else would I get the chance to do that? The atmosphere is relaxed and much less formal than a larger organization which makes coming to work enjoyable and suits the relaxed nature of the Erasmus programme which is all about engaging with the culture of your host country.

Written By Honora Pamplin

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