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Are you ready to study abroad?

Moving to a foreign country to study is harder than you think it’s going to be, and better than you can imagine!

You can search and read over blogs, magazines and sites that promise to give you the best tips on quickly assimilating into the country, the city and the new culture your diving into but how do you know if you are really ready to make the jump?

Learning the language

It usually tops the list. Of course it helps if you speak it already (even if its just a bit) but are you fond to learn it? You will plenty of opportunities to use it once you are in the country: buying a coffee, whenever you go shopping, asking for an address, trying to buy tickets for a club or a gig, or even flirting with a local. You will use the language, are you looking forward to it?

Organizing yourself

Overload results in frustration. If you plan to go to Spanish class, pick up a new cell phone, stop off at the market and fly to Ibiza in one afternoon, it probably won’t happen. Things take their time. If you are looking to study abroad, it’s important that you organize yourself, find time to study and find time to party. There’s plenty of time to do everything while you are abroad.

Meeting new people

When you are abroad making new friends is a must. It will naturally happen and these friendships may last forever, but you may be willing to meet new people, from different cultures and backgrounds. If you travel with an open mind, great friends will cross in your path.

Time flies

During your time abroad, you will have plenty of opportunities to do other activities a part from studying the language. Institutions like Euroace organize cultural activities such as Flamenco and Tapas Night, Paella cooking shows, language exchanges and day trips to Medieval cities or Mediterranean towns. Make the most of your time and sign up for all the activities you can. It will be a memory that will last a lifetime.

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