Fun Spanish phrases for starters
Many students travel to Valencia to learn Spanish. This is a basic (and funny) course for beginners.
- Good morning – Buenos días (bway nos dee ahs)
- Good afternoon – Buenas tardes (bway nahs tar days)
- Good evening – Buenas noches (bway nahs noh chayss)
When you arrive to Valencia…
- Where is – ¿Dónde está? (dohn des tah)
- What time is it? – ¿Qué hora es? (kay orah ess)?
- The street … ? – ¿La calle … ? (lah cah yay)?
- A bank? – ¿Un banco? (oon bahn coh)?
- I’m looking for a hotel – Busco un hotel (yoh kee ayr oh oon oh tel)
In case you’re thirsty..
- Water – Agua (ah gwah)
- Coffee – Un café (oon cah fay)
- The check – La cuenta (lah cwayn tah)
And possibly the most important words in Spanish:
- Please – Por favor (por fah vohr)
- Thank you – Gracias (grah cee ahs).
We hope you liked these survival phrases. Come and visit us in Valencia, discover the city, learn Spanish and enjoy an experience you will remember forever 😉