Semana Santa Marinera de Valencia
(from 6th to 16th April)
Maritime Holy Week takes place in the district of EL MARITIM. It is a unique Mediterranean festivity in the HOLY WEEK IN SPAIN.
Maritime Holy Week started in the 15th century with the group «Concordia dels disciplinants”, although there is no documents about it.
It is a celebration where there are no processions like the ones of the Holy Week in Andalusia or Castile, and it is no so popular, except for the image of Veronica by Mariano Benlliure. However, its ceremonies and celebrations make it a unique celebration.
The most important event is the one when each brotherhood walk in procession with their image, which is moved to the home of the member whose name has been drawn. It is traditional in Valencia for the image to be venerated in the selected member’s house, and it is decorated with care.
It is also a characteristic in this celebration to have the sculpted images together with neighbours dressed as Pontius Pilate, Herod, Salome, the Virgin… walking in procession with the bells tolling and under the traditional music. Many of these biblical characters have been recovered from the old Corpus Christi procession.
But the main event in Maritime Holy Week is the SACRED BURIAL, a procession incorporating all the corporations and brotherhoods with their floats and images, ordered chronologically according to the passion of Christ.
This celebration, which was originated with just a few fishermen and sailors, has reached us with all the Mediterranean charisma and typical style of the area. There is less drama. They are more parades rather than processions.
Calendar of events for Maritime Holy Week
Palm Sunday. Procession of Palms
The procession of Palms commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The procession begins at 9.45 am and lasts two and a half hours.
Plaza de nuestra señora de los Ángeles
Holy Thursday. Procession of the torches
On the evening of Holy Thursday, starting at 8 pm and continuing into the small hours, the Visit of the Holy Monuments takes place to the sound of drums. Afterwards, the streets become filled with candles as different silent processions pass by.
Avenida del Mediterráneo
Good Friday. Procession of the Holy Burial.
The first important act starts at 8 am and is performed next to the shore on Playa de las Arenas, where homage is paid to the victims of the sea. At 6.30 pm the most important procession of Maritime Holy Week begins, that of the Holy Burial, which lasts for 5 hours and passes through all the streets of the coastal neighbourhoods.
Calle de la Reina
Easter Sunday
At 1 pm, the Resurrection procession begins. This colourful procession moves under a constant shower of petals which are thrown down from the balconies of houses.
Avenida del Mediterráneo
Here you have a video of this celebration:
We hope you experience and enjoy our traditions!!
Imagen del traslado del Cristo del Salvador a la playa de las Arenas de Valencia – MIKEL PONCE.